Entries for the ‘news’ Category


For all the early-adopters like me who have a Google+ account, b-sting.com now has a +1 option for every blogpost and pages. You’re welcome. Also, I’m experimenting with cross-posting to Twitter. Just so you know. Like this? Buy me a drink!

A live practice run

I just did a practice run for a live gig. It lasted 45 minutes and as to be expect it did not so go as well as I hoped. But hey it was a first run. I took notes and now have something to work on. So does this mean I have a live gig […]

Perfect (2)

Well it took me long enough, but my new track Perfect is now up on Bandcamp. I talked about it a month ago. The lyric writing was hard as usual and I’m still not satisfied. Not with the singing either. But I guess that’s where the title of the song comes in as a bit […]

Perfect (1)

Hiya! I got an odd request 8 days ago and interestingly it made has led to a surge of creativity. Yay! At my work, my ‘day job’, I’m following a management course. Apart from the usual home work assignments, my mentor came up with an odd request: write a piece of music based on the […]

If all else fails, play the blues

B-sting helps out as bass-player/singer for one-time-only blues cover band.

EP is out: If You Want Some Thing Done

The EP “If You Want Something Done” is released on music.b-sting.com . Go get it!

EP01 progress (3)

EP01 is done and will be out Saturday 31st of July 2010.

EP01 progress (2)

B-sting updates again on the progress of the first EP.

EP01 progress (1)

B-sting updates on the progress of the first EP.

Want a free EP?

B-sting gives away his new EP for free to any one who sends a mail before the release.

  • Upcoming shows

    Nope, working on new stuff at the moment. No gigs planned.

  • Buy me a drink!

    Like what I'm doing? Then buy me a drink with Paypal as thanks!

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  • shameless plugs
