Entries Tagged ‘DIY’

DIAY: Perfect, the music video

Remember I released the song Perfect back in March (you can still download it for free here)? Well, it now has a music video I produced all by myself: The reason I made the video was to make a simple point: making music videos is something you can do all on your own. Just like […]

Perfect (2)

Well it took me long enough, but my new track Perfect is now up on Bandcamp. I talked about it a month ago. The lyric writing was hard as usual and I’m still not satisfied. Not with the singing either. But I guess that’s where the title of the song comes in as a bit […]

Perfect (1)

Hiya! I got an odd request 8 days ago and interestingly it made has led to a surge of creativity. Yay! At my work, my ‘day job’, I’m following a management course. Apart from the usual home work assignments, my mentor came up with an odd request: write a piece of music based on the […]

Ten Tips For Doing Something New

B-sting gives 10 DO and DON’T tips to make new music.

EP is out: If You Want Some Thing Done

The EP “If You Want Something Done” is released on music.b-sting.com . Go get it!

EP01 progress (3)

EP01 is done and will be out Saturday 31st of July 2010.

EP01 progress (2)

B-sting updates again on the progress of the first EP.

EP01 progress (1)

B-sting updates on the progress of the first EP.

Diego Stocco – Bassoforte

Diego Stocco takes apart a piano and guitar and makes an interesting, imperfect instrument, but a perfect song.

Blood Red Shoes: From DIY to ‘Professional’

Over at Drowned in Sound, there’s an interesting article by/about the Blood Red Shoes and their top 10 list of advices to start DIY and become ‘professional’, although from their story, you start doubting how professional the supposed professionals are. Like this? Buy me a drink!

  • Upcoming shows

    Nope, working on new stuff at the moment. No gigs planned.

  • Buy me a drink!

    Like what I'm doing? Then buy me a drink with Paypal as thanks!

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