Entries Tagged ‘music’

S.O.S. Band – Just Be Good To Me

Professor Green and Lily allen cover Dub be Good to Me as produced by Norman Cook. Norman cook raided The Clash, Once Upon a Time in the West, Johnny Dynell and the original Just be Good to Me by the SOS Band.

Want a free EP?

B-sting gives away his new EP for free to any one who sends a mail before the release.

Is an algorithm better than a human DJ?

Music Machinery is conducting a study to see whether a human DJ is better than a random playlist or an algorithm that picks the songs. So far, the algorithm is winning.


Audiotool is a simulation where you can use realistic gear to make music from your webbrowser.

The Original Music Pirates

A documentary about radio pirates in the London area.

How to become famous without talent

Florence Foster Jenkins was a singer with no talent, but money and a passion for music. And despite her lack of talent she still became famous.

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    Nope, working on new stuff at the moment. No gigs planned.

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