Entries Tagged ‘Perfect’

DIAY: Perfect, the music video

Remember I released the song Perfect back in March (you can still download it for free here)? Well, it now has a music video I produced all by myself: The reason I made the video was to make a simple point: making music videos is something you can do all on your own. Just like […]

Perfect (2)

Well it took me long enough, but my new track Perfect is now up on Bandcamp. I talked about it a month ago. The lyric writing was hard as usual and I’m still not satisfied. Not with the singing either. But I guess that’s where the title of the song comes in as a bit […]

Perfect (1)

Hiya! I got an odd request 8 days ago and interestingly it made has led to a surge of creativity. Yay! At my work, my ‘day job’, I’m following a management course. Apart from the usual home work assignments, my mentor came up with an odd request: write a piece of music based on the […]

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