Entries Tagged ‘The Prodigy’

Bernard Purdie

Last week I talked about Bernard Purdie’s song Soul Drums from 1968 which got sampled in Devil’s Haircut . The same track also got sampled in a Christmas track by Mansfield, entitled 2010.12.25 from 2000. Bernard Purdie is a session drummer who performed with people like James Brown, Aretha Franklin, BB King, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles […]

Human Resource – Dominator

Let’s talk about a sample that isn’t a sample at all. Lady Gaga can and has been accused of a lot of things involving theft of other people’s music, but one thing that’s hardly ever done in her music is sampling. And by that I mean direct sampling; recording a loop and playing it back […]

Max Romeo – I Chase the Devil

In 1976 Max Romeo and Lee “Scratch” Perry write the song I Chase the Devil, which in 1992 is sampled by The Prodigy in Out of Space.

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