B-sting.com is launched!
B-sting.com is launched! I’m back after 6 months, up and rawking once more! My new website to talk about me making music, others making music, interesting ideas about music & technology and in general to share stuff. Whatever comes up. It’s not a replacement of my private livejournal blog and website, rather an addition to them, since it feeds directly into it. You can add the rss-feed of this blog or add me on LJ depending what you want to keep updated about.
As you can see, the place is still beta, which basically means over the weeks and months to follow I’ll probably be adding stuff. Right now it’s just an exo-skeleton. I won’t make any bold or vague promises like some people, just the honest truth: when something is done or when there is something to report, I’ll let you know. So stay posted.
Rawk on!
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