Niels Aalberts signs my copy of his bookI attended the EHPO Jongerendag, by Dutch blogger/music professional Niels Aalberts. The event was both intended as lecture on how to promote your band and also a launch event for his book Doorbraak. I got quite few good ideas from it and if anything it was entertaining at least to hear all the people struggling with similar problem. One central question: how do you get your band to make a breakthrough? The biggest obvious, but also best answer: hard work. Do it. Be there, point people to the right place: YOUR place.

I must confess I kept my my interaction to a minimum, where other people were quite vocal, for a good reason: I have nothing to sell just yet. That’s why I asked him to sign my copy of the book with “Who?“. No one or at least very little people know me, what I do or my music. And that’s okay for now. So long as I put some serious work into doing something about it. And if any thing, the afternoon did inspire me to do just that. That’s why I love these lectures. They help me get focus on what I was trying to do in the first place.

– to be continued –

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