I have mentioned Aviary and their tool Myna before, but a few days ago they launched a new online tool: Roc

Where as Myna is an Audio Editor and a simple composer, Roc is intended as a ‘music creator’. The idea is that you make loops with real sounding instruments and then import those into Myna to make songs. This is easier said than done. Even though the interface of Roc is quite simple, so is the result.

There is a nice selection of instruments to play with, but obviously a bit limited selection. For people who need to quickly make a few loops to play with in Myna, it’s fine. Any semi-professional musician will cringe at the fact that if you insert too many notes, things start sounding choppy and unnatural. Not to mention the instruments selected are rather traditional and fit for making world music, rather than ‘Roc’ (look I made a pun on the name of the tool).

Like Myna, nice to play with for the enthusiast with just a browser and no money, but nothing groundbreaking or shocking for a musician.

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